Mineral Stamps from Guinea-Bissau
2021 World Famous Mineral Deposits – Clara Mine (Germany). Mini Sheet. Agency issue. Not in Colnect. Minerals represented:...
2021 World Famous Mineral Deposits – Clara Mine (Germany). Mini Sheet. Agency issue. Not in Colnect. Minerals represented:...
2023 World Famous Mineral Deposits – Lengenbach Mine (Switzerland). Mini Sheet. Agency issue. Not in Colnect. Minerals represented:...
2021 World of Minerals – Morocco. Mini Sheet. Agency issue. Minerals represented: Erythrite, gersdorffite, imiterite, talmessite, spherocobaltite, xanthoconite,...
1982: Minerals. A set of ten stamps. Minerals Represented: Chalcopyrite, and tourmaline. Missing azurite, banded ironstone, bornite, cobaltocalcite,...
Before it was known as Zaire, the country was called the Republic of the Congo. Here are the...
1974: Mineral Heritage Issue. A set of four stamps. Minerals Represented: Petrified wood, tourmaline, amethyst, and rhodochrosite. 1992:...
1998: Minerals. A set of eight stamps. Minerals Represented: Emerald. Missing columbite-tantalite, galena, malachite, cassiterite, ferberite, monazite, and...
1978: Local Minerals. A set of four. Minerals Represented: Pyroxene, sulphur. Missing sodalite and aragonite.
1999: Minerals. A set of seven stamps. Minerals Represented: Calcite, turquoise, pyrite, tourmaline, pyrargyrite, and malachite. Missing beryl.
1986: Minerals. A set of five mineral/gemstones. Minerals Represented: Sapphire. Missing tanzanite, diamond, ruby (and pearl).
1958: Pro Patria series. Minerals. Minerals Represented: Pyrite, smoky quartz. 1959: Pro Patria series. Minerals and Fossils. Minerals...
1994: Minerals. Set of four stamps. Minerals Represented: Cinnabar, galena, pyrite, sphalerite. 1995: Minerals. A set of three...
1963: Gemstones of the Urals. A set of six stamps. Minerals Represented: Rhodonite, jasper, amethyst, topaz, emerald, malachite....
1961: Country Motives. A set of seven stamps, four of which are relevant, diamond (below), heliodor, tourmaline, and...
2001: 3D Mineral. Two stamps with slight differences. Presumably you need 3D glasses to appreciate. Minerals Represented: Fluorite.
2018: Minerals. Agency issue. A postal administration may allow a third-party agency to issue stamps on its behalf....
1985: Minerals series. A set of six mineral stamps. Minerals Represented: Quartz and calcite. Missing copper, gypsum, quartz,...
1971: 1st Congress Hispano-Luso-American Economic Geology series. A set of four stamps. Minerals represented: Wolframite, arsenopyrite, beryl, and...
1979: Wieliczka ancient rock-salt mines. A set of two stamps, one depicting the mineral halite (below), and the...
1998: Minerals. A set of two stamps. Minerals represented: Silver and cobaltite.
1982 Mineral Definitives. A set of six stamps. Minerals Represented: Nephrite, agate, pyrite, amethyst, carnelian, and sulphur.
1991: Minerals and Mines. Set of 15 stamps, ten minerals and five mining. The stamps are the same...
1971 Rocks, Minerals and Fossils series, set of nine stamps. Six are minerals (well, five plus petrified wood)....
1976 Minerals, set of three. Minerals Represented: Petrified wood. Missing: Aragonite and celestine.
1986 Minerals and Mushrooms set of six stamps, three minerals and three fungi. Minerals Represented: Lengenbachite, rhodochrosite, and...
1977 Minerals. Size: 20x24mm. A set of seven minerals. Minerals Represented: Amazonite, galena, gypsum, kyanite, and trona. Missing...
2007 Minerals set. Minerals Represented: Molybdenite. Others in the set of 6 are muscovite, orthoclase, quartz, smoky quartz,...
2022 Greetings: Gems and Minerals series. Minerals Represented: Red beryl, tanzanite, emerald, citrine, mandarin garnet, fluorite, rhodochrosite, aquamarine,...
1998 and 1999 Minerals. Minerals Represented: Stilbite, scolecite, calcite, and heulandite.
1969 Fossils and Minerals series. Minerals Represented: Sphalerite, greenockite and calcite, quartz, copper, and cuprite. Fossils: Fossilised Zelkova...
1980 Minerals. Minerals Represented: Asbestos, barite, bauxite, chromite, copper ores, gypsum, and mixed sulphides.
German Realm 1921. One of a set of six stamps, two of which depict mining. Germany, Democratic Republic...
1997 Minerals. Minerals Represented: Amethyst. 2013 Minerals. Minerals Represented: Hematite. 2018 Minerals. Minerals Represented: Ilmenite (rough and cut)....
1957 Louis J. Thénard (1777-1857). The mineral thénardite was named by J.L. Casaseca in 1826 and published both...
1986 Centenary of Geological Society. A set of three. Minerals represented: Kugelgranit (granite with dark mica and feldspar),...
1997 International Mining Congress, Cuenca – Minerals. Issued in October. Minerals represented: Quartz, chalcopyrite, gold, petrified wood, and...
1998 Minerals of Cyprus. More information and the full set of four stamps here. Mineral represented: Gypsum. The...
1999 Minerals. Issued July. No watermark. Sheet size: 4. Engraving: Impressor. S.A. Perforation: 13¼. Republic of the Congo...
1972 Colombian Emeralds. Issued in June. No watermark. Design: Mosdóssy Engraving: De La Rue de Colombia. Perforation: 13¾...
Ignacy Domeyko The mineral domeykite was named by Wilhelm Haidinger in 1845 in honor of the Polish mineralogist...
2000 Minerals. Issued January. No watermark. Perforation: 12¼. Minerals represented: Wulfenite, argentite, siderite, sphalerite on dolomite and quartz,...
2016 Minerals. Minisheet. Agency issue. Minerals represented: Corundum (ruby), copper, epidote, and crocoite. 2023 World-renowned mineral deposits. Lengenbach...
1992 Minerals. 150th Anniversary of the Geological Survey of Canada. Minerals represented: Copper, sodalite, gold, and galena. [Missing...
1998 Minerals. More details here. Minerals represented: Beryl (emerald), Cat’s Eye, beryl (aquamarine), corundum (ruby), malachite, and turquoise.
1995 Minerals. More information here. Minerals represented: Agate, sphalerite, calcite, quartz, pyromorphite, and almandine.
1977 International Thematic Stamp Exhibition “Portucale 77” – Porto, Portugal – Gemstones. Full set details here. Minerals represented:...
1974 Minerals. More information and full set here. Minerals represented: Chrysotile, moss agate, and quartz.
1998 Minerals and Rocks. More information here. Minerals represented: Aragonite, corundum (ruby), malachite, smoky quartz, turquoise and uraninite.
2003 Minerals. More information and full set here. Minerals represented: Turquoise, calcite, and galena.
1994 Minerals. More information and full set here. Minerals represented: Epidote, andradite, and amethyst.
1984 Provincial Exhibition – Iron and Ore in Styria. 1986 Special Exhibit in Burgenland. Mineral represented: Stibnite.
1973 Marine Life and Gemstones. Full set details here. Minerals represented: Chrysoprase, agate, opal, and rhodonite. 1974 Marine...
1998 Minerals. More information and set here. Mineral represented: Agate.
2011 Mineralogy and Geology – More information here. Minerals represented: Rhodochrosite, sulphur, pyrite, and quartz. 2012 Mineralogy and...
1970 Geology, mineralogy and paleontology issue. Seven fossils, four minerals (dioptase, diamond, muscovite and barite), and one meteorite.