Stamps – Minerals

Mineral Stamps from Djibouti

2021 World of Minerals – Morocco. Mini Sheet. Agency issue. Minerals represented: Erythrite, gersdorffite, imiterite, talmessite, spherocobaltite, xanthoconite,...

Mineral Stamps from Zambia

1982: Minerals. A set of ten stamps. Minerals Represented: Chalcopyrite, and tourmaline. Missing azurite, banded ironstone, bornite, cobaltocalcite,...

Mineral Stamps from Uganda

1998: Minerals. A set of eight stamps. Minerals Represented: Emerald. Missing columbite-tantalite, galena, malachite, cassiterite, ferberite, monazite, and...

Mineral Stamps from Togo

1999: Minerals. A set of seven stamps. Minerals Represented: Calcite, turquoise, pyrite, tourmaline, pyrargyrite, and malachite. Missing beryl.

Mineral Stamps from Portugal

1971: 1st Congress Hispano-Luso-American Economic Geology series. A set of four stamps. Minerals represented: Wolframite, arsenopyrite, beryl, and...

Mineral Stamps from Japan

2022 Greetings: Gems and Minerals series. Minerals Represented: Red beryl, tanzanite, emerald, citrine, mandarin garnet, fluorite, rhodochrosite, aquamarine,...

Mineral Stamps from Ecuador

1997 International Mining Congress, Cuenca – Minerals. Issued in October. Minerals represented: Quartz, chalcopyrite, gold, petrified wood, and...

Mineral Stamps from Chad

2000 Minerals. Issued January. No watermark. Perforation: 12¼. Minerals represented: Wulfenite, argentite, siderite, sphalerite on dolomite and quartz,...

Mineral Stamps from Cambodia

1998 Minerals. More details here. Minerals represented: Beryl (emerald), Cat’s Eye, beryl (aquamarine), corundum (ruby), malachite, and turquoise.

Mineral Stamps from Brazil

1977 International Thematic Stamp Exhibition “Portucale 77” – Porto, Portugal – Gemstones. Full set details here. Minerals represented:...

Mineral Stamps from Benin

1998 Minerals and Rocks. More information here. Minerals represented: Aragonite, corundum (ruby), malachite, smoky quartz, turquoise and uraninite.

Mineral Stamps from Angola

1970 Geology, mineralogy and paleontology issue. Seven fossils, four minerals (dioptase, diamond, muscovite and barite), and one meteorite.